Why are my muscles tight?

Why are my muscles tight?

Muscles that feel tight are usually weak   This topic is not discussed enough in the health and sports industry, and could probably be used to describe most of my clients in some aspect or another. How often have we all heard that my hamstrings are feeling...
Best Quad Stretches for Runners.

Best Quad Stretches for Runners.

The Importance of a Great Quad Stretch Whether you’re getting ready for a long 26.2 mile run or you’re working in the gym specifically to build your quadricep muscles, the right stretching program is integral to any training regime and more often than not is left out....
Do you Suffer with Upper Back Pain?

Do you Suffer with Upper Back Pain?

Do you have pain in your upper back? If you’re reading this at your computer, or sitting on your couch, take a moment to look and think about your posture. Are your shoulders rounded? is your stomach slouched forward and is your head jutting out like a bird? If you...
What are Shin Splints? and how to treat them.

What are Shin Splints? and how to treat them.

Cardiff Sports Massage Clinic The first thing to say is that shin splints aren’t one particular injury but a generic term for pain and discomfort along the shin and lower leg. Generally speaking there are two types of pain. “anterior” and...
What is Sports Massage – And Who’s it for?

What is Sports Massage – And Who’s it for?

As a professional runner for almost 20 years, I have spent a lot of time on the massage table. I used to receive regular treatments almost everyday; these treatments would vary from sports massage, general Physio work, pre and post event and injury specific rehab....